This kit to grow indoors includes:
Grow Tent 100: measures 100 x 100 x 200 cm.
Lighting Kit 400W:
- Ballast "ETI" or "Solux" 400w.
- Sylvania bulb 400w (growth & bloom).
- Aluminum light reflector. (power cord included).
Air Extractor TT125: 125mm diameter, capacity 280 m3/h, to dissipate the heat.
Carbon Filter: diameter 125 mm, flow rate 300 m3/h, to neutralize odors.
Air Intractor: diameter 100 mm, capacity 90 m3/h, fresh air.
Digital thermo-hygrometer: Indicates temperature and humidity and registers maximum and minimum records.
Easy roller: Pulleys for adjusting the height of the aluminum reflector.
Flexible ducting aluconnet: 5 meters x 102 diameter.
Square Plastic Pots:
- 7 pots 1 liter.
- 7 pots of 11 liters.
Water collecting dishes: 7 plates of 22cm x 22cm for pot up to 11 liters.
7 Jiffys Tourbe.